G.RUN's main role is the catching and processing of whitefish.
G.RUN aims to prepare only the best products, caught among fish stocks which come from pure, unpolluted ocean waters and which are utilised in a sensible, sustainable manner. We want to lead in quality management and product quality. We have the aim of always fulfilling customer expectations and delivering goods of the agreed quality, at the agreed time. We respect our environment and the community in which we operate, and endeavour to create a working environment that will attract qualified employees.
Our paths to these aims include the following:
In fishing and processing, strong emphasis is placed on quality control.
The internal quality control programme we use is in line with the procedures of HACCP (the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points).
We apply the approach of total quality management, where every employee takes an active part in continuous progress towards improvement.
Samples of the raw material are taken prior to processing and catch handling is evaluated. Fillet trimming undergoes constant, careful checking; should the need arise, a response is immediate.
Company premises and facilities are maintained in accordance with regulations and with the most stringent of food market demands.
We especially emphasise not letting our products contain any harmful substances of a microbiological or chemical kind.
In order to maintain their natural qualities, G.RUN products do not contain additives of any sort.
G.RUN staff place their pride in combining wholesomeness, freshness, originality and profitability throughout the entire production cycle.
The environment
G.RUN supports the official Statement on Responsible Fisheries in Iceland and operates in every respect within the framework of Icelandic fisheries management, so that fish stocks are utilised in a self-sustaining way.
Efforts are ongoing to combine financial and environmental returns, by ensuring a more efficient use of energy, raw materials and other inputs in our operations.
Our premises and facilities are maintained in excellent shape and everything is kept tidy, in order to set a good example and contribute to the attractiveness of the community and the well-being of both staff and fellow residents.
We emphasise equal opportunity, irrespective of gender, age and nationality.
Besides offering flexible working hours, we do not generally exceed an eight-hour workday if at all possible; this applies especially for on-shore processing and netmaking.
When an interesting position opens, we first try to recruit from the ranks of our current employees, thereby giving them a chance to change their activities and develop themselves professionally.
G.RUN's general manager shall make certain that all members of company staff are acquainted with and understand G.RUN policy, and are guided by it during their work.
G.RUN operates within the framework stipulated by the Act on Fisheries Management. Systematic fisheries management is a precondition for it being possible to utilise fish stocks in a sustainable, responsible manner. Iceland has developed a fisheries management system in order to ensure responsible fisheries; this entails the maintenance of fish stocks and proper care of the marine ecosystem. Icelandic fisheries management is principally based on extensive research into fish stocks and the marine ecosystem, on fishing decisions derived from scientific advice and on the active surveillance of fishing and total catches. These are the mainstays of Icelandic fisheries management, intended to ensure responsible fishing and the preservation of marine resources in the long term.
The Directorate of Fisheries administers the laws and regulations on fisheries management and monitors every aspect of fishing. Its website is here:
G.RUN supports the Statement on Responsible Fisheries, which was presented by bodies connected with the Icelandic fishing industry together with the Minister of Fisheries, Marine Research Institute, Directorate of Fisheries and the Fisheries Association of Iceland. This Statement should help provide enlightenment on the Icelandic fishing industry and on Iceland's approach to fisheries management; the goal is to achieve responsible fishing and responsible treatment of the marine ecosystem surrounding Iceland. The Statement is addressed to everyone concerned about responsible fishing and the status of fish stocks, in particular the numerous bodies that purchase and consume Icelandic seafood. You can access the statement here:
G.RUN quality management is based on HACCP, i.e. on the hazard analysis of critical control points, with a view to maximising the safety and quality of company products. By implementing HACCP, we also achieve better utilisation of our raw materials, a more comprehensive view of the situation, and quicker responses to any problems that might occur. In addition, using HACCP for on-site control serves to facilitate relations with public authorities and fish processing regulators, which in turn will increase the confidence of each party.
See our quality policy here.
Our quality management system is based on seven basic principles, broadly expressed as follows:
Conducting a hazard analysis, which pinpoints probable risk factors at every stage of production in order to assess the probabilities of risk occurrence and to determine preventive measures.
Identifying critical control points, which are those places, procedures and/or production stages which must be controlled in order to preclude or minimise risk.
Establishing critical limits in order to ensure the management of each significant control point.
Establishing on-site monitoring along with organised measurements that can determine whether critical points are under control.
Deciding on and implementing corrective actions, if checks and monitoring indicate that a particular point inspected is not under control.
Determining verification procedures, such as investigations or extra measurements, which reveal whether monitoring remains effective.
Preparing written procedural rules and establishing record-keeping in accordance with HACCP principles, in order to complete the introduction of our quality management system.
In addition to G.RUN's internal quality monitoring system, our operations are inspected regularly by public sector bodies. The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority conducts inspections to check that the handling, production and distribution of fish and seafood conforms to the provisions of laws and regulations, while the Surveillance Authority of the European Free Trade Association supervises whether Icelandic authorities are ensuring that operations adhere to European Union legislation on the preparation and handling of fishery products.
Finally, we at G.RUN receive frequent visits from our customers, who keep a close watch on whether our business fulfils the most stringent requirements. We take pleasure in welcoming both present and potential customers who wish to stop by and take a look at our activities.
Guðmundur Runólfsson hf is certified by the independent conformity assessment body Vottunarstofan Tún ehf against the Marine Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Standard to process, store and trade fish originating from MSC certified sustainable fishstocks. Currently (March 2013; for update please see and reference below) the company is eligible to handle and trade in gutted fish, fillets, minced fish and portions from Icelandic cod and haddock harvested by registered vessels within the Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone. Its products are sold either chilled or frozen, presented in block, boxes or large tubs.
The company´s MSC Certification Code is C-TUN-1035 and the updated details of the scope of its certification can be downloaded from the MSC website´s suppliers directory (see here).
The MSC is a global fishery certification program and seafood ecolabel which recognise and reward sustainable fishing. About 12% of wild caught seafood globally is now certified or in full assessment, another 5% in Pre-Assessment (February 2013).