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G.RUN is an Icelandic fishing company that specialises in catching and processing whitefish. Ever since we started, we have prided ourselves in producing only top-quality products from first-class raw materials, caught in the pure ocean waters off Iceland. Our company is middle-sized by Icelandic standards, and has always been located in Grundarfjörður, a fjord on the north side of Snæfellsnes peninsula. Though the company in its present form was founded in 1974, it has a history reaching back to 1947. Since that time, we have been building our reputation as one of Iceland's foremost fishing companies, with a name for quality. Throughout its long history, the company has been owned by the same family, with three generations involved in its operations and ongoing development. Nowadays an average of about 85 employees work in fishing, fish processing or netmaking. 


The company owns and operates two ships: Helgi SH 135, a 26-m trawler built in Ísafjörður, Iceland, in 1989, and Hringur SH 153, a 29-m trawler built in Scotland in 1999.  These vessels are both designed for stern trawling and each carries a crew of around ten. In 2008, the total catch of the two ships was approximately 6000 metric tonnes, mostly comprised of redfish, haddock and cod, taken on about 125 fishing trips. Each trip is fairly short, averaging about 2-5 days.

Fish processing

The fully equipped on-shore processing plant operated by GRUN specialises in whitefish - especially redfish, haddock and cod. From the very beginning, fish processing has expanded gradually but constantly. Today, we annually process around 1500-2000 metric tonnes of ready-for-use products, with an average of about 50 people working in the plant. You can read more about our products here.



G.RUN rekur mjög vel búið netaverkstæði þar sem þrír menn starfa. Aðal starfsemi netaverkstæðisins er gerð botntrolla fyrir fiskiskip sem gerð eru út frá Grundarfirði. Einnig hefur aukist mjög þjónusta við rækjuveiðibáta sem gerðir eru út frá Breiðafjarðarsvæðinu. Á verkstæðinu er mjög góður búnaður til víravinnslu og einnig mjög góður búnaður til vinnslu og viðgerða á hopparalengjum. Önnur þjónusta sem verkstæðið býður er sala á vírum, keðjum, lásum og ýmsum öðrum hlutum sem snúa að veiðarfærum og veiðarfæragerð. Einnig er á verkstæðinu búnaður til að taka á móti og gera við risaflottroll sem togaraflotinn notar við úthafskarfaveiðar.


The history of G.RUN goes back over seventy years. In many respects, the company’s history parallels that of Grundarfjörður: a growing community basing its livelihood on marine resources.


The fishing company Runólfur hf. was established in Grundarfjörður, using a wooden boat that Guðmundur Runólfsson and some others had built at Norðfjörður, in East Iceland. The company and the new boat, Runólfur SH-135, were both named after Guðmundur Runólfsson’s father, whose first name was Runólfur.


The wooden Runólfur SH-135 was sold and a steel vessel of 115 gross tonnes bought instead; it had the same name and was equipped with a power block. Guðmundur Runólfsson and some others had this boat built at Risör, Norway.


Guðmundur Runólfsson, trawler operator, signed an agreement with the Stálvík hf. shipyard on the building of a 47-metre-long stern trawler, again to be named Runólfur SH-135.


The public limited company Guðmundur Runólfsson hf. was founded on 18 December. It began by operating fishing vessels and a net loft.


Runólfur SH-135, a stern trawler, arrived for the first time in Grundarfjörður on 19 January. Owned by the company for over twenty-three years, Runólfur landed its catches at the freezing plant Hraðfrystihús Grundarfjarðar, which later became Sæfang hf. In addition, Runólfur sometimes delivered its catch directly to overseas markets.


The company Sæfang hf. managed the Grundarfjörður freezing plant, which was owned by the same parties as Guðmundur Runólfsson hf. On 30 September 1993, these two companies merged, creating one company that engaged in fishing and fish processing as well as operating a net loft, all under the name of Guðmundur Runólfsson hf. After the merger of Guðmundur Runólfsson hf. with Sæfang hf., the policy was adopted of building up a strong whitefish processing business in Grundarfjörður. The processing of whitefish became the company's main business, and remains so today. The company has continued to strive for greater achievement in this field, with an eye to increasing performance, efficiency and quality in processing and thus increasing the profitability of the business.


The company bought the trawler Hringur SH 535. To start with, Hringur was only sent to fish outside the national fishery jurisdiction, since it had no permit for fishing within the Icelandic zone.



The trawler Runólfur SH 135 was sold to Russia in May, but its fishing permit and catch quotas were transferred to Hringur SH 535.


In December, the company bought two ships, Heiðrún GK 504 and Þór Pétursson GK 505, the name of which has now been changed to Helgi SH 135. Also, the catch quotas were purchased that still accompany these vessels.


Not only was a new logo adopted for the company, but a new website was also launched, with a revamped image. Increased emphasis was laid on ensuring that company products contain no additives and that packaging is identified with a special label in order to draw attention to this aspect.


Company website gets updated and construction for a new building begins.


Production in the new building starts.

E Saga

G.RUN is part and parcel of Grundarfjörður. This West Iceland fjord, south of Breiðafjörður bay, is where G.RUN was founded and has run its business ever since - operating its vessels from there, processing their catches there and running its net loft there for over 50 years.


Personnel number on average 85, counting those at sea as well as on land. In all, this amounts to close to 15-20% of those employed in Grundarfjörður. The company endeavours to provide flexibility for its employees and make it easy for them to fulfil their duties to family and community, for instance by allowing parents to attend events connected with the activities of their children. Moreover, GRUN makes an effort to nurture and promote a spirit of companionship within its staff, particularly in the social sphere of the company union and employee club. 


We stress tidiness, not least by carefully maintaining our entire premises and acting as a model for cleanliness and order on our company property. By doing this, we strive to contribute to an attractive community and to the well-being of both residents and tourists. We want to play our part in enriching the quality of community life around us. Both directly and indirectly, we have supported various community events and activities, such as work in sports, culture and charities. 


Where possible, we would like to increase our ties with local residents and enhance their familiarity with our business, in particular by giving children and teenagers the opportunity of finding out about us by visiting the firm. 

Grundarfjordur municipal website

E Samfélag
E Starfsfólk

If you are interested in getting further information about our company or its various products, please do not hesitate to contact our office or any of our employees.


G.RUN hf
Sólvöllum 2
350 Grundarfjördur

Tel.: +354 430 3500
Fax +354 430 3501

info(at)  /  sales(at)


Guðmundur Smári Guðmundsson, General Manager
430-3504 / 894-1359 / smari(at)

Rósa Guðmundsdóttir, Production Manager

430-3505 / 869-2701 / rosa(at)

Anna María Reynisdóttir, Financial Manager
430-3502 / annamaria(at)

Guðmundur Pálsson, Chief marine engineer

430-3505 / 864-1776 / gummip(hjá)

Unnsteinn Guðmundsson, Fish Processesing Engineer
430-3505 / 897-6830 / unnsteinn(at)

Ingi Þór Guðmundsson, Net Loft Manager
860-7365 / ingi(at)

Hólmfríður Hildimundardóttir, Foreman

430 3505/861 7534 / holmfridur(at) 

Runólfur Guðmundsson, Chairman of the Board
430-3500 / 892-0735 / runni(at)

Guðmundur Runólfsson hf. - Sólvöllum 2, 350 Grundarfjörður, Iceland

Sími/Tel. +354 430 3500 - Kt. 520175-0249

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